Was like the other Days —
Until the Coronation came —
And then — 'twas Otherwise —
As Carbon in the Coal
And Carbon in the Gem
Are One — and yet the former
Were dull for Diadem —
I rose, and all was plain —
But when the Day declined
Myself and It, in Majesty
Were equally — adorned —
The Grace that I — was chose —
To Me — surpassed the Crown
That was the Witness for the Grace —
'Twas even that 'twas Mine —
Fr613 (1863) J356
While Scholar Barton Levi St. Armand thinks the poem is about the sun, I think it is about grace. Dickinson says as much in the final stanza. She was chosen by Grace, a concept rooted in Calvinism. In this branch of Christianity, very influential in Dickinson's time and place, only some people were elected for heaven. It was a heavenly favor, a grace rather than something earned. To suddenly be sure of your divine election would surely feel like a coronation; the knowledge would blaze like a glorious sunset.
Dickinson opens the poem in story-telling mode. The day that she was crowned began ordinarily enough. "All was plain". But somehow by day's end she was "adorned" in "Majesty", as transfigured as diamond from coal.
In regards to this, Sewall provides an illuminating excerpt (p.452-54) from one of Charles Wadsworth's sermons: "The value of a gem is not in its composition, but in its crystallization. Even the diamond is composed mainly of carbon, and differs from the black coal of our furnaces only in this transfiguration … But the spiritual man has through gracious crystallization become a gem, reflecting Divine light, and thus fitted for a diadem" (found in Richard Brandley's Emily Dickinson's Rich Conversation: Poetry, Phiulosophy, Science").
As Wadsworth points out, a "gracious crystallization" makes the redeemed soul fit for a crown. Dickinson was a great admirer of Wadsworth and read his sermons. And although this poem seems to emerge from the sermon, it is not entirely clear as to whether her crystallization was spiritual or imaginary, or whether she was using religious language to celebrate some other great transformation. Dickinson remains purposefully vague and ambiguous. There is no mention of heaven or God or Atman – or even the soul.
In the second two stanzas Dickinson leaves the carbon metaphor to end with a sunset analogy. The setting sun is adorned in majesty, its colors flaring across the heavens. The poem's speaker says that its glory was equal to her own. Ultimately, however, she deems the grace of being chosen as superior to the simpler adornment of the sun, the sky's crown. Dickinson even co-opts the sun, not only as a witness for her ascendency, but as dower. Sunset becomes hers: "'Twas even that 'twas Mine".
This vast claiming reminds me of Dickinson's proclamation in "I'm ceded – I've stopped being Theirs" (F353) where she says her childhood baptism was just something "They" did to her, but now she has "consciously, of Grace" been "Called to my Full", her "Existence's whole Arc, filled up". Both poems inhabit the liminal region where grace may be found or claimed or bestowed. Sometimes Dickinson claims the grace, as in "I'm Ceded"; sometimes she discovers it, as in this poem where she finds she is "chose".
Wonderful link to the Wadsworth sermon. Welcome back!
ReplyDeleteYay! You are back! And with a beautiful interpretation of this poem! I think that you are totally spot on, but I also wonder if there is a personal experience for Emily within this poem that we will never know about. Just one of those gut feelings...
ReplyDeleteGreat find with the Wadsworth sermon. So cool to see the source material for a poem. And it is doubly intriguing knowing that this poem could, possibly, be a love poem to Wadsworth himself. Does that check out with chronology?
ReplyDeleteThe reason I'm led to think of this as a love poem of sorts is because of that "chose". It is generally a person who chooses another. The idea of God choosing someone to receive grace, while not choosing others, doesn't seem like something ED would subscribe to. If she believed that, why put it in a poem? What good would that do the reader?
It seems to me that there is always something ED is imparting to a reader, always a reason for the poem. It's not just a journal entry. It is framed the way it is to be read by a reader, to encapsulate and pass along some kind of knowledge or wisdom, or perhaps just to make something beautiful to lift the spirit.
So I often ask myself what the poem is trying to get across. Love poems are weird, because they leave out the reader, especially if the reader is lonely.
But in this case, as in the case of most of ED's love poems, she leaves the personal aspect indeterminate so that there's an alternative open sense we can share in of being in a relationship with the universe itself. You can be alone and still be "chose". In this sense we are all "chose", if we could only realize it. The poem helps us to realize it. The sunset helps us to realize it.
Why then, in this poem, is this day different from days past? Perhaps because grace, due to the beauty of the sunset, was "realized". Once you realize grace the sunset itself is yours because you have become part of the whole, you are in "grace, you have become part of the sunset and it has become part of you. The coronation is this realization. You have already been chosen, but have only to take on the crown for yourself.
This is a similar idea to what ED imparts in the poem "Tis little I could care for pearls/ who own the ample sea."
Instead of being exclusive, it invites you to take on the crown of sunset too. Transcendentalism writ large
“Great find with the Wadsworth sermon. So cool to see the source material for a poem. And it is doubly intriguing knowing that this poem could, possibly, be a love poem to Wadsworth himself. Does that check out with chronology?” (d scribe, November 17, 2023, above).
ReplyDeleteShort answer, yes, perfectly. CW has absconded to San Francisco (to escape her incessant and engulfing passion??), ED has emerged from her pathological obsession with her unreal mental construct of Wadsworth, and she has settled into recognition that he was and is “A Fiction superseding Faith —/By so much — as 'twas real —”. Stay tuned for the next exciting (??) episode.
Thanks to Susan’s prescient 02 November 2015 comment (above) about Wadsworth’s probable role in ‘The Day that I was crowned’, I’ve ordered Brantley’s book (not reader friendly according to reviewers and my perusal of Amazon’s “free sample”) and hope to better understand this watershed moment in ED’s poetry.
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ReplyDeleteYou are the Bee's go-to guy for Wadsworth, for sure. Both the info about Bible-sanctioned slavery and the Diadem count and connection are interesting!
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ReplyDeleteDuring summer 1860. Reverend Charles Wadsworth visited ED at the Dickinson’s “Homestead” in Amherst. My guess is that his visit was “The Day that I was crowned” (Line 1, F613). I think that in ED’s fertile imagination, “Diadem” was a codeword for “Mrs.”. Supporting that contention, Poem F194 (1861), “Title divine, is mine”, begins:
ReplyDelete“Title divine, is mine.
The Wife without the Sign -
Acute Degree conferred on me -
Empress of Calvary -
Royal, all but the Crown –
Betrothed, without the Swoon
God gives us Women -
. . . . ”
After that summer day in 1860, ED was convinced Wadsworth had told her that they could marry when they met in Heaven. Meanwhile, ED resigned herself to a life of chastity, “Betrothed, without the swoon / God gives us Women”. Beginning about 1862 she wore only white, and she was buried in a white coffin in 1886.
From 1861-1863, ED used capitalized “Diadem” in 13 poems, skipped the years 1864-1865, and in 1866 she used “Diadem” in one poem, F1121. She never used the word in a poem before 1861 or after 1866. She capitalized “Diadem” in all 14 poems. Clearly, “Diadem” was important to ED during 1861-1863 and in 1866, but not before or after those years.
“Diadem” was also one of Wadsworth's favorite words. He used it in an estimated 56 sermons during 33 years of preaching, 1850-1882. He used it in 20 sermons he delivered in San Francisco, 1862-1869. After he returned to Philadelphia in 1869, he used the word “diadem” in 15 published sermons, for a total of 35 sermons in 20 years. If, in his first 12 years of ministry (Philadelphia, 1850-1862), he used the word at the same rate, his lifetime total use of “diadem” was about 56 times in 33 years of ministry.
In 1941, without benefit of computer word search, Mary Barbot concluded: “Somewhat impressive, also, is Wadsworth's use of [one] of Emily Dickinson's favorite words, ‘diadem’, no less than thirty times” (Barbot, 1941).
Today, Barbot would have to conclude: “Somewhat impressive, also, is Dickinson's use of ‘Diadem’, one of Wadsworth’s favorite words, no less than 14 times in six years of poetry, 1861-1866. He used the word approximately 56 times in 33 years of ministry”.
As always, evidence of Wadsworth's influence on ED is circumstantial, but 1861-1866 is exactly the period of ED’s manic turmoil. During those six years ED wrote 947 poems, well over half of her 36-year career total. It is worth noting that Wadsworth and family set sail from New York Harbor on May 1, 1862, bound for San Francisco, where they lived for nine years.
ED thought she would never again see Reverend Charles Wadsworth. Her 14th and last “Diadem” poem (F1121, 1866), bids him an angry but sad sayonara:
“The Sky is low — the Clouds are mean.
A Travelling Flake of Snow
Across a Barn or through a Rut
Debates if it will go —
A Narrow Wind complains all Day
How some one treated him
Nature, like Us is sometimes caught
Without her Diadem”
The word "him" is a gender switch, one of ED's favorite camouflage tricks.
When Charles Wadsworth died in 1882, ED sent his best friend, James Clark, Letter 994, containing this sentence: “He was my Shepherd from “Little Girl”hood and I cannot conjecture a world without him, so noble was he always – so fathomless – so gentle.” (L994 to James D. Clark, August 22, 1882).
She was wrong about never seeing him again. In summer 1880 he showed up unexpectedly at her front door, but that’s another story.
ED’s 14 "Diadem" poems (Franklin Number, Franklin Year, Title):
ReplyDeleteF124, 1861, Safe in their Alabaster Chambers
F246, 1861, The Sun - just touched the Morning
F248, 1861, One life of so much consequence!
F253, 1861, I’m ceded - I’ve stopped being Theirs’s -
F254, 1861, A Mien to move a Queen -
F267, 1861, Rearrange a “Wife’s” Affection!
F385, 1862, I’ll clutch - and clutch -
F418, 1863, Your Riches - taught me - Poverty.
F481, 1863, Fame of Myself, to justify,
F553, 1863, When Diamonds are a Legend,
F597, 1863, ‘Tis little I - could care for Pearls –
F600, 1863, Her - last Poems –
F613, 1863, Were dull for Diadem -
F1121, 1866, The Sky is low - the Clouds are mean.
1. Barbot, Mary E. 1941. Emily Dickinson Parallels. The New · England Quarterly. 14(4): 689-696.
2. Franklin, R.W. 1999. The Poems of Emily Dickinson: Reading Edition. Harvard University Press. Kindle Edition. 1040 pp.