awful Tempest mashed the air –
clouds were gaunt and few –
Black – as of a spectre's cloak
Heaven and Earth from view.
creatures chuckled on the Roofs –
whistled in the air –
shook their fists –
gnashed their teeth –
swung their frenzied hair –
morning lit – the Birds arose –
Monster's faded eyes
slowly to his native coast –
peace – was Paradise!
(1861) 198
Northeastern U.S. can get hit pretty hard by stray hurricanes that make their
way up the coast in the summer. More often, though, they get pelted by Nor’easters
– which can come during any season. In this poem Dickinson shows off her chops in a traditional ballad about
a monster storm. Traditional ballads make use of alternating trimeter and
tetrameter lines (sometimes combined into longer lines). That would be lines of
8 and 6 syllables (4 and 3 poetic feet).
way of comparison, here are a couple of stanzas from one of the most famous ballads:
“Sir Patric Spens,” first recorded in the 18th century but
describing an incident in the 13th.
They had not sailed a league, a league,
A league but barely three,
When the lift grew dark, and the wind blew loud,
And gurly grew the sea.
The anchors brake and the top-masts lap,
It was such a deadly storm;
And the waves came o'er the broken ship
Till all her sides were torn.

lot of the excitement comes from the very vivid verbs Dickinson wields. The “Tempest
mashed the air”; demonic creatures chuckle, whistle, shake their fists, gnash
their teeth, and – best – swing “their frenzied hair.” That last description
calls up the image of bushes and small trees whipping about in the terrible
wind. The chuckling and whistling and gnashing of teeth are very aural: you can
hear the sound of the wind rattling the windows and whistling down the chimney.
But the visuals are most impressive: we have a “Monster” with a “gaunt” and “Black”
spectre’s cloak sweeping in and darkening the sky so that even the earth is
hard to see. He comes with attendent “creatures” that seem quite crazed. But
finally, after the long night is over and he is worn out by all the exertion,
the Monster turns his sleepy eyes away from town and heads back to sea.
On November 3, 1861, Hurricane "Expedition" crossed Massachusetts. Its eastern side “blasted the southeastern New England coast between November 2 and November 3, damaging 250 vessels at Provincetown, Massachusetts, and running aground 20 others. In Boston harbor, the steamship “Marion” sank, drowning 22 occupants.”
If the eastern side of Hurricane Expedition passed over Boston, its western side passed over Amherst. Then “The Monster's faded eyes / Turned slowly [east] to his native coast –”.