01 July 2011

She slept beneath a tree—

She slept beneath a tree—
Remembered but by me.
I touched her Cradle mute—
She recognized the foot—
Put on her carmine suit
And see!
                                                      - F 15 (1858)

Ah, a puzzle poem. Let's go: sleeping beneath a tree? a corpse or a dormant plant. Remembered but by me? Okay, someone / something noticed very little by others. I touched her Cradle mute? Maybe a coffin for a baby? Or a bulb--a bulb is like a cradle for a lily or tulip. She recognized the foot? That's Dickinsonian invention, this innate conversation between Emily and the natural world--or is it that the baby recognizes the foot. Put on her carmine suit? Well, not the baby, then. A red-flowered bulb. 
Beautiful red tulips in spring
     I'm betting on a tulip. And so the simple little poem is a sketch of spring when the tulip dresses in red. The rhyme scheme couldn't be simpler: A A B B B A. I particularly like the slant rhymes of 'mute,' 'foot,' and 'suit.'


  1. very illuminating interpretation

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. ED gives us lots of hints but gives them slant. Line 1 tells us that the mystery thing sleeps beneath a tree, so Susan’s guess of a corpse or dormant plant is a good start, but then Line 2 adds that only the speaker knows the location, which rules out a graveyard or a domestic perennial beneath a tree in a yard. Lines 3-4 also support the dormant plant hypothesis because the speaker would avoid stepping on a grave. Finally, we learn the flower has a carmine flower. Hmmm, a perennial plant that grows beneath a tree but not a domestic plant.

    Many years of wandering in eastern woods suggest two possibilities. If the soil is usually moist, such as a low forest near a creek, it’s probably a cardinal flower, Lobelia cardinalis, a crimson-flowered species in the bellflower family that is a relatively common in Massachusetts. If the soil is usually dry, such as a rocky slope with scattered trees, it may be a fire pink, Silene virginica, a wildflower also common in eastern US forests and known for its brilliant red flowers.
